2,558 research outputs found

    Lowering global consumption of petroleum, while increasing profit: Tesla Motors ridesharing

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    Demonstrating profitability has been a major challenge for Tesla Motors. This research explored the creation of a rideshare service as a short-term and long-term instrument for growth. Information was gathered and analyzed from successful and unsuccessful businesses to determine viability and potential for success. The research question asked, what are the existing technologies, services, and or business models that can be implemented by Tesla Motors to both innovate and improve profitability? This study used a qualitative research approach to assess available published data and to evaluate possible options to answer the research question. The findings conclude that Tesla should enter the rideshare industry; it would be feasible and attractive in terms of ROI, and require minimal initial investment. Further suggestions outline disruption and encroachment into the multibillion dollar healthcare industry

    Guías quirurgicas para la colocación de implantes dentales "revisión bibliográfica".

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    This work is a summary of the different techniques and developments in the manufacturing of the surgical guides, which are mainly used in dentistry, previous to the setting of dental implants in the mouth. Considering that the perfect position of the implant in the mouth is the most important thing to ensure success in the treatment, detailed surgical guides are necessary. Using surgical guides and a correct plan, we can ensure success in the implant setting.El presente trabajo es una recopilación de las diferentes técnicas en la elaboración y confección de guías quirúrgicas; las mismas que se utilizan en odontología para la colocación de implantes dentales. Considerando que la correcta posición del implante en la boca es un requisito para el éxito de tratamiento a largo plazo, las guías quirúrgicas son una herramienta indispensable. Con la utilización de guías quirúrgicas y una adecuada planificación podemos asegurar el éxito del tratamiento implantológico

    Las sexualidades transgresoras en dos novelas contemporáneas: El lugar sin límites de José Donoso y Tengo miedo torero de Pedro Lemebel

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo son representadas las sexualidades transgresoras en dos novelas hispanoamericanas: El lugar sin límites(1966)de José Donoso, y Tengo miedo torero(2001)de Pedro Lemebel.El personaje protagonista en sendas novelas es un homosexual travesti.Ambas historias acontecen unos años posteriores a la revolución sexual y unos años antes de la consecución de la despenalización de la homosexualidad y de derechos igualitarios de las minorías sexuales con el resto de la sociedad tanto en Chile como en el resto de América Latina. El propósito principal de este trabajo es exponer una realidad social de exclusión, marginación y maltrato hacia personas de diversa condición sexo genérica en nuestro continente. ¿Cómo se representan esas “otras sensibilidades”, esos otros cuerpos y sexualidades que conviven dentro de una sociedad patriarcal, machista y heteronormativa, que se rehúsa a verlos como miembros integrantes de la misma?En el caso de admitirse su existencia, se les considera transgresoras del statu quo dominante y, por consiguiente, objeto de discriminación. Se analizará la identidad del travesti en cada obra y los recursos que utilizan los escritores para construir al personaje.El primer capítulo se dedica a “La Manuela” de El lugar sin límites, y el segundo a “La Loca del Frente” de Tengo miedo torero.Se analizan ambas obras desde el punto de vista de los estudios de género y de las diversidades sexuales. Se pretende comparar la representación de la misma diversidad sexo genérica en dos épocas distintas: en el Chile de los sesenta y el de finales de los ochenta, y su relación como minoría marginal rural y urbana ante el mismo poder hegemónico opresor local desde la perspectiva de la interseccionalidad de factores que determinan su identidad

    The role of pointing in the immidiate and displaced references in early mother-child communication.

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    This study longitudinally explores how mothers and children use and combine pointing and verbal references to objects that are either present or absent in space. Over one year of observations and in five separate sessions, eight Spanish mothers and their 1- and 2-year-old babies were observed while performing daily routines at home. Overall, both mothers and children used the immediate reference more than the displaced reference. Children were less likely to pair pointing with speech in displaced situations than in present situations; instead, they seemed more likely to refer to absent objects using only speech. Mothers, while still are more likely to point in present situations rather than in displaced ones, did use pointing + speech combinations more often than their childreni in displaced situations. Overall, mother and child production of immediate and displaced references across ages were strongly correlated suggesting a new facet of 'motherese' for the early development of referential production

    Temprana emergencia de referents temporalis en comunicación madre-hijo multimodal

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    ABSTARCT: The study longitudinally explores the early emergence of temporal reference to objects/events that are either present or absent in time while mothers and children use and combine pointing and verbal references. Over one year of observations and in five separate sessions, eight Spanish mothers and their one- and two-year-old babies were observed while performing daily routines at home. The results indicated that overall mothers and children used more verbs referring to the present frame than to the past and future frames. As compared with the production of utterances accompanied by pointing, children were more likely to produce present references in the young group and displaced references (mostly near past and near future) in the older group when utterances were produced without pointing. Mothers closely preceded or accompanied the children’s verbal and gestural referential production to either immediate or displaced referents across ages, indicating that they systematically engage their children in talking about the present and especially about the future

    Studies of flow and scalar distribution in two large industrial environments.

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN037619 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Hacia la conciencia social del consumo energético en centros de datos

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    Ante el problema creciente del consumo en los centros de datos, unido a la adopción paulatina de las mejores prácticas actuales para mejorar la eficiencia energética, se hace imprescindible un cambio radical en el enfoque de la energía en dichos centros de datos para poder seguir reduciendo de manera significativa su impacto medioambiental. En este artículo presentamos una propuesta inicial para la optimización integral del consumo de energía en centros de datos, que ha sido validado en un escenario de monitorización poblacional de salud, con ahorros de hasta un 50% frente al estado del arte en eficiencia energética. Defendemos una conciencia global del Estado y el comportamiento térmico del centro de datos, utilizando modelos predictivos para anticipar las variables determinantes para la optimización. Además, las estrategias de optimización energética de los centros de datos del futuro tienen que ser sociales: los distintos elementos (servidores, software de gestión, sistemas de refrigeración) deben tener cierta conciencia del estado de los demás elementos del sistema y de cómo el entorno los puede perjudicar o favorecer, buscando el consenso en estrategias colaborativas para reducir el consumo total

    Estudio longitudinal de la producción de deícticos en castellano en niños de 12 a 36 meses durante las actividades cotidianas

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    This longitudinally study examined the rate of production of deictics in four Spanish 1-and 2-year-old children, in interactive situations with their mothers at home over a one-year-period. First, we compared the production of deictics with that of open-and-closed-class words and related it to the mean length of the utterances in which at least one deictic was used. Second, we observed the order of emergence of deictic words. Third, we analysed changes in the production of deictics, taking into account their semantic dimensions (spatial, personal and temporal), their grammatical categories (pronouns, adjectives, adverbs), and their morphological features (gender, number, distance). The results of the different analyses indicated that deictic words help to anchor the speaker's and the addressee's discourse to the deictic center (I, here, now, this). The spatial domain seemed to be relevant for the development of personal deictics

    Caracterización mecánica de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica PEBD reforzados con partículas de hierro

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    Tesis que contiene la descripción de los materiales compuestos elaborados a partir de PEBD reciclado y reforzado con partículas de hierro, así como la descripción de los métodos de manufactura y su caracterización mecánica. También contiene el análisis de los resultados.El reciclaje mecánico de residuos plásticos es una solución ambiental al problema de la eliminación de residuos plásticos. Ya que los análisis de ciclos de vida reportados muestran que el proceso de extrusión con polímeros reciclados, tiene los menores impactos ambientales combinado con el uso de refuerzos y aditivos en comparación con la producción de plásticos vírgenes. En el presente trabajo, se elaboraron materiales compuestos a base de polietileno de baja densidad virgen (PE) y polietileno de baja densidad reciclado (PER) ambos reforzados con partículas de Fe en porcentajes de 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 y 25 % p/p empleando un extrusor monohusillo. Se realizó la caracterización mecánica de dichos materiales compuestos con el propósito de identificar las ventajas y/o desventajas de emplear PER en lugar PE, con el correspondiente valor agregado que se le otorga al PER que es considerado como un desecho rápidamente, por ser generalmente un plástico de un solo uso. Pero sobre todo se desea generar una opción sustentable, incorporando al PER a la economía circular de los materiales polimérico

    Power estimation and power optimization policies for processor-based systems

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    This PhD Thesis proposes new and effective approaches to reduce and estímate the power consumption in processor-based architectures. This work targets embedded systems, inorder and out-of-order processors, cache hierarchies and MPSoCs. Our approaches are designad to reduce or estimate the power consumption while keeping the performance constraints of the application and allowing the porting to other processor architectures without a hard effort by the designen In this context, a first work was the design of a cache power estimation tool (called IN^ CAPE), which works in parallel with the processor simulator. The power estimation utihty bases its results on an analytical power model, which has been fed with the expHcit calculation of the statistical switching activity. After that, reducing the power consumption in the register file of the processor architecture was the goal of the research. Given that the register file is one of the most power-hungry devices, firstly an efficient hardware mechanism to tum the unused registers of the register file into a low power state has been described. A DVS technique is used to keep the Information stored in the registers while reducing the power consumption to a mínimum. This hardware technique has been compared to an approach based on a power-aware compiler, which modifies the register assignment to improve the results obtained with the banking of the register file, as well as to reduce the number of required ports. Out-of-order architectures have also been addressed, with a higher degree of complexity. For these systems, compiler and hardware approaches have also been proposed to efficiently reduce the power consumption of the register file. Finally, MPSoCs are also the new paradigm of high-performance microprocessor design, where the power dissipation becomes an even more dramatic problem. These architectures present complex design issues where the power-performance trade-off has to be carefully analyzed in order to bring efficient designs. The work presented in this Ph. D. aims at overcoming the limitation of theoretical and highly abstract models, unable to target the This PhD Thesis proposes new and effective approaches to reduce and estímate the power consumption in processor-based architectures. This work targets embedded systems, inorder and out-of-order processors, cache hierarchies and MPSoCs. Our approaches are designad to reduce or estimate the power consumption while keeping the performance constraints of the application and allowing the porting to other processor architectures without a hard effort by the designen In this context, a first work was the design of a cache power estimation tool (called IN^ CAPE), which works in parallel with the processor simulator. The power estimation utihty bases its results on an analytical power model, which has been fed with the expHcit calculation of the statistical switching activity. After that, reducing the power consumption in the register file of the processor architecture was the goal of the research. Given that the register file is one of the most power-hungry devices, firstly an efficient hardware mechanism to tum the unused registers of the register file into a low power state has been described. A DVS technique is used to keep the Information stored in the registers while reducing the power consumption to a mínimum. This hardware technique has been compared to an approach based on a power-aware compiler, which modifies the register assignment to improve the results obtained with the banking of the register file, as well as to reduce the number of required ports. Out-of-order architectures have also been addressed, with a higher degree of complexity. For these systems, compiler and hardware approaches have also been proposed to efficiently reduce the power consumption of the register file. Finally, MPSoCs are also the new paradigm of high-performance microprocessor design, where the power dissipation becomes an even more dramatic problem. These architectures present complex design issues where the power-performance trade-off has to be carefully analyzed in order to bring efficient designs. The work presented in this Ph. D. aims at overcoming the limitation of theoretical and highly abstract models, unable to target the desired functional simulation and power estimation. This work also presents interesting results in terms of dynamic power management, voltage/frequency scaling and design space exploration in MPSoCs